This is a generic box truck Ambulance resembling a Chevrolet van front with some unique curves. Interior is detailed as a usable model with a gerny and arrangement. Moveable parts all function with proper axis orientation. This file is offered in C4D as built natively in. Other file types pre-subdivided in a factor of 2 is FBX, 3DS, OBJ, Blender, and DAE. Built almost entirely of quads this model is subdivision ready, a lower poly version is available on request.
NOTE: Rigged model is specific to C4D R17 and above and does not reflect other programs. Rigged model is complete with a lighting system for flashing lights, rotating light bar, controls for doors, windows, window wipers, interior lights, headlights, blinkers etc. There is a LOD (Level of Detail) adjustment that automatically hides the cabin and EMT interior space and replaces all windows with a reflective/non-transparent material for faster rendering. The lights can be hidden from the editor as it may slow down the editor dramatically when not disabled. Additionally you can use the low or high res models for other formats to achieve a close up result or far away simplified model.
Additionally this model has the wheels rigged to the steering wheel control and if attached to follow a spline the tires will track to the ground using a Global Position Xpresso node. Plug this into a scene for an emergency and this truck is ready to roll.
Note: All renderings are performed using C4D and do not necessarily reflect other programs or rendering engines.
Happy Modelling!
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